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How to remove blackheads

 blackhead extractor, called Comedone, is a special tool designed to remove dead skin cells and the accumulated dirt that causes blackheads to form.

 This manual blackhead extractor machine is popularly used by dermatologists, skincare, and failures.  If you want to own this machine, you must know how to use it correctly, because incorrect use of this manual machine can cause damage to the skin and exacerbate these heads and turn them into scars.

 There are two main types of blackhead extractors:

 The first type: has two heads, one side of the tool contains a small spoon, with a hole in the middle, designed to comfortably fit blackheads, used by applying gentle pressure on the area and pushing the trapped sebum and releasing it out of the pores of the skin.
 This type also has a corner with a small and very sharp needle-like head that can be used to pierce the whiteheads so that the sebum can be released from the pores very easily, for a blackhead stripper click here

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