Two ways to get rid of the rumen without sport
Two ways to get rid of the rumen without sport
Belly fat is not a problem just because it spoils the shape of the body, but in fact much of the fat in the abdominal area, or what is known as "rumen," is closely related to heart disease and diabetes.
Therefore, losing belly and waist fat has great benefits for your health and can help you live longer.
The volume of belly fat is estimated by measuring the circumference of the waist, and this can be easily done at home with a simple tape measure.
The belly or obesity in the abdominal area can be defined as the excess of the waist circumference over 40 inches (102 cm) in men and 35 inches (88 cm) in women.
So, if you have a lot of fat around the waist, you need to take some steps to get rid of it, even if you are not obese in general.
Fortunately, there are methods that have been proven effective in getting rid of belly fat and belly fat without affecting the rest of the body, and they are simple steps that people who are interested in a healthy lifestyle follow, and it is possible for everyone to apply them.
1/ Eat more protein
Eating a lot of protein can boost your metabolism and reduce hunger levels, making it a very effective way to lose weight. Several studies indicate that protein is particularly effective in combating
abdominal fat accumulation
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